UI Windows Available
Update Logs
April 25, 2013 - With the second half of the latest expansion launching, SoE really did a number on the UI files. The 122 .tga files for icons have been replaced with 177 .dds files. So that means a lot of updates to the Animations file. They also added an "Escapable" tag for each window, defaulting to true, so those that shouldn't be "Escapable" had an update on it, otherwise, they will go away when you hit ESC. To get all of the updates, download the following files:
If you want to download the images as individual 40x40 pixel icons, click here icons.zip
Here is the compass image compass.zip
Click any image to download
Player/Target Window
Buff Windows
Potion Belt Window |
Spell Gem Window
Inventory Window Merchant Window Window Selector Window
Loot Window |
Requires the following text in the UI_<char>_<server>.ini file to work properly:
[LootWnd] |
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, feel free to E-mail me at llaffer@llaffer.com